KodeKloud Kubernetes Security CKS Lab Challenge 1 | Image Scanning using Aquasec Trivy | Secure Deployment using AppArmor Profile | PVC to PV binding



KodeKloud Kubernetes Security CKS Lab Challenge 1 | Image Scanning using Aquasec Trivy | Secure Deployment using AppArmor Profile | PVC to PV binding

 Question : There are 6 images listed in the diagram on the right. Using Aquasec Trivy (which is already installed on the controlplane node), identify the image that has the least number of critical vulnerabilities and use it to deploy the alpha-xyz deployment.

Secure this deployment by enforcing the AppArmor profile called custom-nginx.

Expose this deployment with a NodePort type service and make sure that only incomings connections from the pod called middleware is accepted and everything else is rejected.

Click on each icon to see more details. Once done, click the Check button to test your work.

Click here to see how to submit your solution and win exciting prizes!

  • Pod called 'external' is already deployed in the 'alpha' namespace. Inspect it but do not alter it in anyway!

  • 'external' pod should NOT be able to connect to 'alpha-svc' on port 80

  • Expose the 'alpha-xyz' as a 'ClusterIP' type service called 'alpha-svc'

  • 'alpha-svc' should be exposed on 'port: 80' and 'targetPort: 80'

Pod called 'middleware' is already deployed in the 'alpha' namespace. Inspect it but do not alter it in anyway!

  • Create a deployment called 'alpha-xyz' that uses the image with the least 'CRITICAL' vulnerabilities? (Use the sample YAML file located at '/root/alpha-xyz.yaml' to create the deployment. Please make sure to use the same names and labels specified in this sample YAML file!) Deployment has exactly '1' ready replica

  • 'data-volume' is mounted at '/usr/share/nginx/html' on the pod

  • Permitted images are: 'nginx:alpine', 'bitnami/nginx', 'nginx:1.13', 'nginx:1.17', 'nginx:1.16'and 'nginx:1.14'. Use 'trivy' to find the image with the least number of 'CRITICAL' vulnerabilities.

  • Create a NetworkPolicy called 'restrict-inbound' in the 'alpha' namespace

  • Policy Type = 'Ingress'

  • Inbound access only allowed from the pod called 'middleware' with label 'app=middleware'

  • Inbound access only allowed to TCP port 80 on pods matching the policy

  • 'alpha-pvc' should be bound to 'alpha-pv'. Delete and Re-create it if necessary.

A persistentVolume called 'alpha-pv' has already been created. Do not modify it and inspect the parameters used to create it.

  • Move the AppArmor profile '/root/usr.sbin.nginx' to '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nginx' on the controlplane node

  • Load the 'AppArmor` profile called 'custom-nginx' and ensure it is enforced.


1. Check the  existing pod status

root@controlplane ~   kubectl get pods -A

NAMESPACE     NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE

alpha         external                               1/1     Running   0             58s

alpha         middleware                             1/1     Running   0             58s

kube-system   coredns-64897985d-b8f84                1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   coredns-64897985d-x4gvx                1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   etcd-controlplane                      1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   kube-apiserver-controlplane            1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   kube-controller-manager-controlplane   1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   kube-proxy-59b7m                       1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   kube-scheduler-controlplane            1/1     Running   0             96m

kube-system   weave-net-jppcw                        2/2     Running   1 (96m ago)   96m

root@controlplane ~  

 2. Check the existing  docker images for nginx

root@controlplane ~   docker images |grep nginx

bitnami/nginx                        latest              bbd28fd1050d        2 days ago          139MB

nginx                                alpine              6913ed9ec8d0        9 days ago          42.6MB

nginx                                <none>              7d73f57a7cf7        23 months ago       23.4MB

nginx                                latest              f2f70adc5d89        23 months ago       142MB

nginx                                1.17                9beeba249f3e        3 years ago         127MB

nginx                                1.16                dfcfd8e9a5d3        3 years ago         127MB

nginx                                1.14                295c7be07902        4 years ago         109MB

nginx                                1.13                ae513a47849c        5 years ago         109MB

root@controlplane ~  

3. Above nginx images in the given question. So, need to try one by one with trivy that scan the image with the least number of 'CRITICAL' vulnerabilities.

Trivy is a simple and comprehensive vulnerability/misconfiguration scanner for containers and other artifacts.

root@controlplane ~   trivy bitnami/nginx|grep Total

Total: 76 (UNKNOWN: 2, LOW: 12, MEDIUM: 31, HIGH: 28, CRITICAL: 3)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:alpine |grep Total

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:latest |grep Total

Total: 240 (UNKNOWN: 2, LOW: 9, MEDIUM: 113, HIGH: 79, CRITICAL: 27)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:1.17 |grep Total

Total: 325 (UNKNOWN: 6, LOW: 15, MEDIUM: 141, HIGH: 120, CRITICAL: 43)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:1.16 |grep Total

Total: 329 (UNKNOWN: 6, LOW: 15, MEDIUM: 143, HIGH: 122, CRITICAL: 43)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:1.14 |grep Total

Total: 458 (UNKNOWN: 13, LOW: 18, MEDIUM: 196, HIGH: 167, CRITICAL: 64)

 root@controlplane ~   trivy nginx:1.13 |grep Total

Total: 533 (UNKNOWN: 15, LOW: 22, MEDIUM: 211, HIGH: 200, CRITICAL: 85)

4. we found nginx:alpine is less the vulnerability than other images. So, we will use this image under deployment as a image.

root@controlplane ~   vi alpha-deploy.yml

 root@controlplane ~   cat alpha-deploy.yml |grep nginx

        container.apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/nginx: localhost/custom-nginx

      - image: nginx:alpine

        name: nginx

            mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html

 root@controlplane ~

5. PersistentVolume 'alpha-pvc' has already been created. Inspect parameters i.e. 'accessModes' & 'capacity' and modify PVC accordingly

root@controlplane ~   kubectl get pvc -A


                alpha       alpha-pvc   Pending                                      local-storage   4m35s

root@controlplane ~  

 root@controlplane ~   kubectl edit pvc -n alpha

error: persistentvolumeclaims "alpha-pvc" is invalid

A copy of your changes has been stored to "/tmp/kubectl-edit-1269822153.yaml"

error: Edit cancelled, no valid changes were saved.

root@controlplane ~  

 root@controlplane ~ kubectl apply --force -f /tmp/kubectl-edit-1269822153.yaml

persistentvolumeclaim/alpha-pvc configured

 root@controlplane ~   kubectl get pvc -A


alpha       alpha-pvc   Bound    alpha-pv   1Gi        RWX            local-storage   8s

 root@controlplane ~

6. Move the AppArmor profile '/root/usr.sbin.nginx' to '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nginx' on the controlplane node & Load the 'AppArmor` profile called 'custom-nginx' and ensure it is enforced.

root@controlplane ~   mv usr.sbin.nginx  /etc/apparmor.d/

 root@controlplane ~   aa-status |grep nginx

 root@controlplane ~ aa-enforce  /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nginx

Setting /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nginx to enforce mode.

 root@controlplane ~   aa-status |grep nginx


 root@controlplane ~

7. Run the  deployment as a less critical  image.

root@controlplane ~   kubectl apply -f alpha-deploy.yml

deployment.apps/alpha-xyz created

networkpolicy.networking.k8s.io/restrict-inbound created

service/alpha-svc created

 root@controlplane ~  

 root@controlplane ~   kubectl get deploy -A


alpha         alpha-xyz   1/1     1            1           13s

kube-system   coredns     2/2     2            2           8h

 root@controlplane ~  

 root@controlplane ~   kubectl get pods -n alpha

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

alpha-xyz-68cbd57f9-f94pp   1/1     Running   0          39s

external                    1/1     Running   0          20m

middleware                  1/1     Running   0          20m

 root@controlplane ~  

root@controlplane ~   kubectl get svc -n alpha


alpha-svc   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    62s

 root@controlplane ~  

Created  YAML  files with all the parameters, Kindly clone repo or you can copy from GitLab 

git clone https://gitlab.com/nb-tech-support/devops.git

8. Click on Check & Confirm to complete the task successfully

Happy Learning!!!!

Apart from this if you need more clarity,  I have made a  tutorial video on this , please go through and share your comments. Like and share the knowledge

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